Submission for talks has closed. Thanks to the large number of submissions, we were able to pick from a wide variety of topics and speakers. Unfortunately, it was not possible to accept everyone. Congrats to all shortlisted candidates. You make a difference to our event! For those who have not been selected, don't give up! Please try again next year.
Here are some sneak peeks on our topics:
Bringing Artificial intelligence to the edge
Python in production engineering @ Facebook
Hypothesis: Property-based Testing for Python
Addressing Class Imbalance in Machine Learning
PyLadies and Importance of community participation
And we have talks GAN, Django,Haystack,Slackbot and many more!
Get your tickets now at Ticket Melon : before 7 June 2019 at 600baht (students), 1,600baht(subsidized) and 3,000baht(regular). Price includes the 2 day conference, lunches, coffee break, and a saturday night party! A big thank you for all our sponsors who make that happen.
For more information about other talks, check out :

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