We thank you for your great support! We have really good response this year but we’re still open for your ideas if you have not submitted yet.
Want to join our 4 keynote speakers, Adam Paszke, Katie Mclaughlin, Russell Keith-Magee and David Cournapeau on the podium to share your knowledge with the other pyconistas?
Here’s your last chance. Gather your ideas for your talk and send them to us now by 24th May 2019!
The schedule will be out real soon once we confirm our talks. If you’re not ready to present this year, join us and have a feel of how it is like at Pycon Thailand.
Get your tickets via Ticket Melon now!
For more information, check out https://th.pycon.org/en/
#pyconth2019 #pycon #pycon2019 #python